Teeth Whitening at Forest Hill

Whiten Your Teeth

A teeth whitening procedure is by far the easiest way to transform your smile. Whether it be to prepare for an upcoming event or to maintain your oral health on a regular basis, we can complete this procedure in time. If you live in Forest Hill area, you can benefit from this procedure at our local dental surgery. 

Teeth Whitening

Effective Teeth Whitening Options

Dental At Forest Hill offers three safe and effective teeth whitening options.

  1. Consult Plus Clean + In-chair Whitening for $999
  2. In-Chair Whitening for $799
  3. Consult Plus Take Home Kit Plus Trays for $699

All three of these options use bleaching agents to lighten and brighten the colour of your teeth. Dr. Dinesh will recommend the best choice, catering to your individual needs.

Safest Way of Teeth Whitening

While there are many ways to achieve brighter teeth and many over the counter products are available in Australian Markets, professional whitening is still the most safest, popular and effective method.

This is because professional teeth whitening uses right  concentrations of bleaching agents than over-the-counter products and is done under the supervision of a dental professional.Teeth whitening is a simple and fast way to enhance and brighten your smile.

Types of Teeth Whitening

There are two types of professional whitening services offered by our surgery, at-home and in-chair bleaching.

In-office whitening is best suited for people with healthy teeth and gums. We conduct a thorough oral health examination for underlying conditions such as tooth decay or gum disease, as the concentrated bleaching gel could cause you significant pain. We need to address it before we perform in-office whitening. It should be noted that not all discoloration can be treated with in-office teeth whitening. Deep, “intrinsic” stains might need  more cosmetic treatment like dental veneers.

At-home whitening

At-home whitening will not be provided to anyone who does not first pass a basic oral health screening. For the best results, any home whitening should be administered after a thorough prophylactic in-office dental cleaning. If you are considering professional teeth whitening, it is important to know that there are some risks involved. The most common side effect of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity, which usually goes away within a few weeks. Some people may also experience temporary gum irritation. We apply fluoride varnish and low dosages of laser to make it more comfortable if you have experienced sensitivity post- bleaching in the past.

If you are interested in teeth whitening, consider speaking to us about the options at your disposal. This can help you determine whether an in-office or at-home solution better suited to your needs.

Overall, professional teeth whitening is safe and effective. However, it is important to talk to us  first to make sure it is the right choice for you. Contact our surgery if you want to schedule an appointment.

All You Need To Keep Smiling

Dental At Forest Hill - Popular Services

Cosmetic Dentistry Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

A teeth bleaching procedure is by far the easiest way to transform your smile. 

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers are custom made tooth colored shell like coverings bonded on individual teeth to alter shape, color and alignment of imperfect teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Digital Smile Designing (DSD) is a new method for designing smiles that uses computer-aided technology  (CAD).

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Unlike amalgam fillings, Composite White Fillings match the color of your teeth to ensure a natural appearance.

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CEREC crown uses Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) to create crowns in a single appointment. 

Payment Options / Plans

Payment plans are essentially loans, which can support you in managing the high cost of dental treatment. Rather than paying for your dental work in an upfront lumpsum, a payment plan allows you to pay in instalments over a period of time. We have onboard, payment plan service providers who will make your payment plan’s instalments even more affordable.

There are several payment options available at our surgery including Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, Credit Card, HICAPS, AMEX and Direct Deposit.

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