Child Dental Benefits Schedule
What is CDBS Medicare?
The Australian Government’s Dental Benefits Program covers most basic dental services for children over two consecutive calendar years, but not specialist procedures like orthodontics or general anaesthesia.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule
You may be eligible for coverage under this plan if you receive certain government payments.
Your child must meet all of the following requirements:
- A person aged 0 to 17 during a calendar year
- A Medicare beneficiary
- Receive a payment from the Government at least once a year, or have a parent who does.
Scope of Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides basic dental services to children. We bulk bill Child Dental Benefits Schedule (Medicare) for all eligible children. Call Us at (03) 9878 3233 to know more. CDBS is a government initiative to promote oral health among children between the age of 2-17. Also, each eligible child receives $1,026 worth of free treatment as part of the scheme. you can use the dental services over a two-year period.
Moreover, your $1,026 benefit can be used in the second year of eligibility if you do not use all of it in the first year. It is important to note that any remaining balances at the end of the second year will not be carried forward.
CDBS is available to your child if all of the following conditions are met:
- There is a Medicare eligibility for them
- They are at least 0-17 years old for at least one day of the calendar year
- At least once in that calendar year, you or they receive an eligible payment.
You can either be the child’s:
- Guardian or parent
- approved care organisation.
Eligibility checks
CDBS eligibility for your child this year.
The Government checks your child’s eligibility for dental benefits every January. Their team keeps checking throughout the year. A letter will be sent to you if they are eligible. In case you’re not sure, you can either:
- MyGov allows you to check your Medicare account online
- You can reach the Medicare program by phone.
Child dental costs can be covered in other ways. Find out about public dental services in your state or territory on the website of the Department of Health and Aged Care.
CDBS will cover a range of services including:
What CDBS doesn’t cover?
The services can be provided in a public or private setting. Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work. Furthermore, many of these services have claiming restrictions. These are listed on the Department of Health’s website.
We Bulk Bill CDBS
We will discuss the treatment and costs for basic dental services before providing the service. Basic dental treatments are covered under CDBS and are bulk billed. Our friendly staff will look after all the paper work and you just need to sign the consent form. Your claim is processed on the spot using HICAPS.