Myobrace System - Preventive Pre-orthodontic Treatment

Myobrace System

Straight Teeth
The Natural Way®

The Myobrace System is a preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that addresses the underlying causes of crooked teeth, frequently without the need for braces or tooth extraction, thereby allowing for natural growth and development.

The Myobrace®System - Preventive Pre-orthodontic Treatment

Does your child have crooked teeth?

Does your child have crooked teeth, or protruding upper front teeth, or does your child complain of pain on chewing because the lower teeth are biting on the roof of the mouth?              
These conditions and crowded teeth are actually a symptom that your child’s jaw and face are not developing correctly as a result of poor functional habits like incorrect swallowing, mouth breathing and aberrant tongue, cheek and lip function. 

The Myobrace®System - Preventive Pre-orthodontic Treatment

Does your child have crooked teeth?

Does your child have crooked teeth, or protruding upper front teeth, or does your child complain of pain on chewing because the lower teeth are biting on the roof of the mouth?              
These conditions and crowded teeth are actually a symptom that your child’s jaw and face are not developing correctly as a result of poor functional habits like incorrect swallowing, mouth breathing and aberrant tongue, cheek and lip function. 

Early Intervention with the MyoBrace System

Intervening early with the MyoBrace system at around 5-8 years old can correct these so called malocclusions and poor facial developments, and can achieve results that are not possible once the face and jaws have stopped growing. 

Also, by intervening early, the jaws, facial profile and proportion can be developed naturally and correctly to ensure the removal of teeth, in most cases, is not required. In addition, treatment time for braces, (if even needed later) can be significantly shortened. 

The state-of-the-art MyoBrace Appliances

The state-of-the-art MyoBrace appliances are the best way to correct the muscular causes of crooked teeth and poor facial development. They are only worn for 1-2 hours in the day, plus overnight during sleep. By correcting the poor oral habits, children are able to grow naturally to their genetic potential. 

For a free consultation, please contact your friendly team at Dental at Forest Hill.  You can reach us through Tel: (03) 9878 3233 or Book An Appointment Online.

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Payment Options / Plans

Payment plans are essentially loans, which can support you in managing the high cost of dental treatment. Rather than paying for your dental work in an upfront lumpsum, a payment plan allows you to pay in instalments over a period of time. We have onboard, payment plan service providers who will make your payment plan’s instalments even more affordable.

There are several payment options available at our surgery including Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, Credit Card, HICAPS, AMEX and Direct Deposit.

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