Partial acrylic dentures

Removable Dentures

Partial acrylic dentures are one of the most common types of partial dentures which are affordable and often attaches to existing teeth with metal clasps. They are made from resin and are in high demand among denture wearers for several reasons. These dentures are easy for a general dentist to adjust and are often more comfortable than other options. 

Partial acrylic dentures

What are Partial Acrylic / Metal Dentures

A recent addition to the world of dentures is partial acrylic / metal dentures. These dentures are made of a combination of metal and acrylic, which gives them a number of benefits. For one, they are much more durable than traditional dentures. They are also more aesthetically pleasing, as they better resemble natural teeth.

If you are considering getting partial dentures, then you should definitely ask our dentist about partial acrylic / metal dentures. 

Advantages of Partial Acrylic Dentures

These dentures offer a number of advantages that you may not be aware of. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional dentures, you may want to consider partial acrylic / metal dentures. These dentures are made of a combination of acrylic and metal, and they offer a number of benefits over traditional dentures. For one, they are much more durable and less likely to break. They also fit more snugly and are less likely to slip. And because they are made of two different materials, they can be customized to better match the color of your natural teeth.

Call us at (03) 9878 3233 

How can an emergency dentist help you?

You may only need a thorough dental examination to resolve your dental emergency. In some cases, however, you may need a more extensive procedure, such as a root canal, filling a broken tooth, or draining an abscess.

 It is possible to identify the source of pain with the help of your emergency dentist. It is usually performed when you have a dental problem, such as a toothache, dental abscess, or oral pain.

As part of this examination, we will look for any signs of infection or tooth damage in your mouth. Furthermore, we assess the severity of your dental emergency and determine the best course of action. An early cavity can become a deep cavity requiring root canal therapy. Another possibility is gum disease. Receding gums can expose the roots and expose the tooth. Intense pain can result from this, and urgent treatment is required.

In contrast to scheduling appointments far in advance, our dental office will be able to provide the necessary treatment right away based on your situation.

Emergency Dental Examination
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